Friday, September 28, 2007

The human race suffers from a serious communication problem.

Not only don't we understand one another in the same country (rednecks vs yankees, you versus the part of the country you aren't too fond, we fail to understand the other peoples in our world. And if we don't understand them, we loathe them. They are less.

Even those who we think are more 'well off' then we are, we dislike. It's human nature to reject what we ain't comfortable with. Doesn't matter if it's up down, left, right, or softened vs crumbly cream cheese.

Imagine an ant hill with a communication problem. Hell, watch an ant hill, and you'll realize they MUST have an education problem...(due to a lack of memory, I'm sure). If anything a big fucking YOU is disturbing their reality of UFO's, or at the very least, demoralizing their line of "troops" because not only are they trying to relay back to "homebase" that they don't want to die, but also that they don't even know what death is, much less getting stomped on or sun-magnified by a human, whatever a human is.

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