Long Icq Converation with a Brazillian Guy
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: hi
Lindsey: me's playin wormz
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: ok
Lindsey: u play wormz?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: no...
Lindsey: lol
Lindsey: whatcha play?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: lol o caray
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: nothing
Lindsey: poor poor shawn
Lindsey: lol
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: lol o caray
Lindsey: me's gettin drunk gettin my ass kicked
Lindsey: what the hell does that mean?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: lol... nothing
Lindsey: okie
Lindsey: you ever get an email addy?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: no
Lindsey: get on the net and make one dammit
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: i won´t
Lindsey: why not?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: eu num to afim
Lindsey: uh huh
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: c num intede essas bosta q eu to falanu mesmo!! intao!! vai t fude!!
Lindsey: lol
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: lol orra nenhuma
Lindsey: mes have no idear what you'z be's a sayin
Lindsey: what the hell do you do mr brazillian?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: i hate USA
Lindsey: do you live here?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: no
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: and u?
Lindsey: then why the hell did you msg me if you hate usa?
Lindsey: I live in space, didn't ya know
Lindsey: they call me floaty bee
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: what?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: ok...
Lindsey: life is corrupt, isn't it?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: no
Lindsey: well, how is your life doing?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: my life is skatebording
Lindsey: you good?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: yeah....
Lindsey: can you do the 900?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: no....
Lindsey: thats too bad.......hehe
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: and you? what do u do?
Lindsey: I make web pages and raise my daughter and drink beer and smoke weed and live life and make money and be happy :)
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: i hate all
Lindsey: you really shouldn't
Lindsey: just pick one thing and hate that
Lindsey: that works for me
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: yeah...
Lindsey: so whats up with hating all ?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: what do u thing about brasil?
Lindsey: I don't know......the only thing I know about brazil is I think you speak spanish and that if you are running from the law you won't be extradited from there
Lindsey: oh yeah, and it's hot and humid
Lindsey: and another thing, you got hot chics
Lindsey: nice tan maybe?
Lindsey: so whats it really like?>
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: if you are running from the law you won't be extradited from there???
Lindsey: if you are a usa citizen, and you are running from the law (in the usa), you run to brazil and the brazillian government wont' send up back to the usa to be punished
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: ok....
Lindsey: brazil is freedom to a fugitive
Lindsey: lol
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: bullshit
Lindsey: so tell me what it's like
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: brazilian is a country where have much unlike social cuz here have muck currupition, and USA help to do this
Lindsey: I did not know this, how?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: corrupition!!
Lindsey: how?
Lindsey: when?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: USA explora so much Brazil
Lindsey: what do we explore?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: our florest
Lindsey: so we're destroying brazil?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: a litle.... do you know anything about ALCA?
Lindsey: no.....what is it?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: mean Americas free comercy zone
Lindsey: so that means we can buy and sell freely without having to go through all sorts of shit.....like dont' have to listen to any laws or something?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: yeah... and USA is more prepered for this, do u agree?
Lindsey: I agree that usa prolly 'goes between the lines' of laws or rules that are set between countries......very much politcal bullshit
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: thats
Lindsey: ?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: that´s rigth
Lindsey: I do not agree with alot of the usa policies that are set between countries, but we are really not given much of a way to change what they do, we are allowed to vote and protest....thats it
Lindsey: and even if we protest, most people don't want to listen
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: i not agre with u
Lindsey: why not?
Lindsey: they have our hands tied, if we protest too much, they are makin laws to take away our rights as we speak, this is what our new president is doing behind our backs
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: cuz USA want to be more and more rich.... this with the rich of the poor countrys
Lindsey: yes, I agree, usa is mighty greedy, but not all of them
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: yeah
Lindsey: you have brought up something I have been thinking alot about lately, we in the usa are fortunate to have what we have right now. But I strongly agree that our current president is going to fuck us
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: fuck my people?
Lindsey: no, me, usa citizen
Lindsey: if you hate the usa, I'm sure you prolly don't mind
Lindsey: but I do
Lindsey: I wish we could all make things work, as a whole, but government and politics always get in the way
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: soh
Lindsey: right now on our news we see things about getting ready to attack iraq, bombings in chechnya, russia, the whole thing with North Korea, all about war. Sometimes i wonder if our president wants to take over the world
Lindsey: never hear anything about brazil, thats for sure
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: oks
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: how old are u?
Lindsey: 22
Lindsey: u?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: 16
Lindsey: I like debating with you
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: why?
Lindsey: you make me think
Lindsey: how did you learn english? is it a second language?
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: sure... in world happen many things that the people don´t know.... antil about own country....
Lindsey: keep me informed, the media sure doesn't say anything good anymore
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: the media say only about the people sure have to know.... the thing that the goverment want to pass
Lindsey: yeah, the government seems to rule all
Lindsey: I don't like to government
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: i too..... (my english is very bad) can u understand that?
Lindsey: I understand you
Lindsey: If I dont' I will let you know
Lindsey: you have been speaking really good so far
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: now... i´m leaving;.. keep thinking!!
Lindsey: hehe
Lindsey: okay :)
-|-Shawn-|- o| ):: hehehe......